Lime Kiln Wood management plan Mar 2019 in FC format final version
The Trust’s latest Management plans have been revised and updated in the PDF document attached.
The appropriate planning permission has been obtained for all completed projects and we will continue to ensure that all future projects obtain, in advance, the appropriate approvals. Looking ahead to 2019-2024, we will not only complete the bulk of the initial plans as laid out in our initial management plan but will also see the completion of projects which started when the Trust first took over Lime Kiln Wood.
Notably among these plans was the stabilisation of the remaining structure of the Lime Kiln and the implementation of a Biodiversity plan ensuring a wider range of habitats and their associated flora and fauna. Monitoring of plants, birds, bats, moths and butterflies continues with encouraging results.
Re-starting the old hazel coppicing cycle has gone well and the thinning of overcrowded areas has allowed light onto the ground cover, permitting a regrowth of some of the less robust flora. Deer grazing has not been as damaging as first feared and each area coppiced has had good regrowth.
Removing invasive beech seedlings and some mature sycamores is a constant aim. Many of you will also notice the improvements to gates and walls as our working parties continue to ensure access is both safe and secure.
We continue to work with the wood to ensure a diversity of habitat that we hope our neighbours enjoy, as well as encouraging wildlife to thrive.
As we have said before – take only photos and leave only footprints.
Previous Management Plan for Reference