Summary and Update or 2021 AGM

Update and Summary of 2021 AGM

The virtual AGM – Covid 19 of course meaning Zoom came in handy – allowed the members to identify not only the excellent work carried out this last 18 months under trying circumstances but also the potential going forward.

Walls and Fences had been repaired promptly and on the whole we were able to keep up with the gaps thanks in the main to Mike Burke and Jack Ellerby.

Professional Tree Survey had identified a small number of trees that might pose a risk to the public and these had been dealt with by Christmas. The remaining one was tackled during February by Jack Ellerby and colleagues.

Glade completion. Thanks to Barkers we have managed to complete the glade we had planned towards the upper end of the wood. This “clearing” we hope will encourage a resurgence of ground cover plants which we will attempt to protect from the rampant bramble population. It is felt that we have enough brambles at present and whilst they are a vital part of the wood they do get a bit pushy sometimes. We will do a detailed species study on the glade to monitor program

Species Monitoring. Members have agreed that a new species survey for flora would help us understand the progress in diversity, if any, that has been made. It remains a core intention to try to improve diversity within the bounds of the natural environment that the wood offers.

Bird Boxes will continue to be added to the wood where practical and hopefully encourage a greater variety and denser population of song birds.

Covid restrictions remain in force and visitors are reminded to abide by the appropriate laws and guidelines when visiting the wood.

Peter Davis