Update on work at Lime Kiln Wood
We are delighted to say that the bulk of this year’s conservation work has been completed at the wood during the dormant season, although the very wet weather delayed us somewhat.
As you will see when you next visit, our contractor has helped open the canopy with the removal of some of the encroaching sycamore trees and we have also eliminated a few others that were deemed dangerous to the public by our local advisor.
Visitors will now see a second coppiced area. This is part of a 5-year rotational scheme as stated in our strategic plan (see the website). To help with protecting new growth from the high incidence of damage by roe deer, we have temporarily excluded them from the coppice coupe with a black mesh fence. This has been marked with some black and yellow warning streamers, and we hope the fence will allow swifter regeneration of the area over the next two years, after which it will be removed and reused elsewhere.
We have increased the number of bird boxes and have noted that those installed last year had been occupied. We also have a plan to add some bat roosting boxes under advice from our local Bat Group.
Spring is here (almost) and we expect to see a whole new carpet of flora this year which will cheer us all up after a damp and sustained autumn and winter.
During the summer months we will continue to repair and refurbish the dry stone walls and we hope that everyone will enjoy the wood as we are bringing it back to robust health.